I think that anorexia, bulimia or manorexia are problems that people have, because most of these people have eating disorders or they don't eat what is necessary.
Anorexia is z problem of women and manorexia of men. Both think they're fat, when they see themselves, but they really aren't fat.
Some of them suffer from bulimia to be more skinnier and they throw up everything they eat to be skinnier.
This problem is increasing in America because so many people are so insecure with their body and people are eating less to be skinnier and this is an obsession for these people.
Experts said that there are no simple answers to the causes of anorexia and other eating disorders. Anorexia is a complex condition that arises from a combination of many social, emotional, and biological factors. Although our culture’s idealization of thinness plays a powerful role, there are many other contributing factors, including your family environment, emotional difficulties, low self-esteem, and traumatic experiences you may have gone through in the past.